Use Of E-Resources by the Research Scholars in Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai


Prabhu Gaddimani and Suhasini D Kamble

The importance and significance of E‐ resource is incising since its inception. The mportance of E‐ resource is increasing day by day with the help of advance in information technology and intent. E‐ Resources provided equal access to all students is it in campus or outside. Library is no more limited to paper product it add E‐ form to all its existing and new resources. This study aims to find out the use of E‐ resources by Research scholar in TISS Mumbai. A questioner having 25 questions has been used for data collection. Total 150 respondent from M.phil and PhD respondent to it. The statistical package for Social science (SPSS) used for data analyses in percentage. The study find out the majority of student are solely depend upon the E‐ resources for producing quality research work. Role of E‐ resource in bringing quality research work no one can ignore. One of the biggest limitation of study is it is limited to a small target group of single institution.

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