Degree College Libraries and Their Automation Initiatives in Hyderabad Karnataka Region: An Exploratory Survey


B S Maheswarappa and Vinodkumar Hosmani

The study explores the current infrastructure facilities of degree colleges and their libraries in HK region by district, type, year of the establishment, urban vs. rural; academic pro rams ‐ UG and PG ‐ Courses offered and coeducation including the
teaching, nonteaching staff, and students strength. Also investigates the status of college
library buildings; organization of a library into different sections; library staff ‐professional and supporting, library collection ‐ books, journals, magazines and newspapers, classification and cataloging of books as well as library finance ‐ amount  spent for the libraries during 2015‐16. Reports the a availability of computer hardware, software, and humanware, library automation initiatives, use of library automation packages, and highlights th current picture of library automation activities among the colleges in HK region. Concludes that the present status of libraries and the library automation initiatives and use of Library Automation Softwares packages depicts a bleak picture. Hence, suggests that the Hyderabad Karnataka Regional Development Board (HKRDB), Govt. of Karnataka, must allocate financial resources to overcome this imbalance in t e development of college libraries including their automation activities in t is region.

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